I work with all types of paid and free CMS. The optimal ratio of cost and quality, as a positive result with minimal time.
All the work has acquired extensive experience in the field of IT-technologies and successfully completed more than 200 projects in the field of site building and design.
Professionalism and comfortable mutually beneficial cooperation to achieve the desired result. Assistance and Support after project completion.
Since 2006 is the official partner of "1C-Bitrix" time on today have the status gold Certified partner Bitrix.
My name is Pavel Khoroshilov. I am fond of music, graphics, programming, 3D - modeling, interface design, and other no less exciting fields of activity where you can show and express themselves. On the I market since 1998 and have vast experience in the art of creating high-quality and efficient design.
specializes in the development of corporate identity (branding), the design of advertising production (printing), web development (web-design) and all kinds of graphic design (retouching photos, creating collages, etc.).
The main direction of my work is a website development, as this work combines everything what I love to do. I make websites, both simple and very complex and work with different types of CMS, paid and free of charge. It all depends on your wishes to your buduyuschemu site.
If you need a quality work you can contact me and tell you that you would like to implement.
Today I am a Gold Certified Partner of "BitrixSoft", is also a participant in the quality monitoring program implementations that says confidence experts Company in the implementation of qualitative integration web project.
I'm always open to dialogue, ready to help and answer your questions
I appreciate your time strive to quickly and efficiently respond to your questions. The answer to your request will be granted for up to 24 hours, but may take some time, in some cases.
Use the Contact section to order the development of the site, corporate identity and other kinds of services. Describe the problem, your vision of the project, or tell us about the company or organization, which will be dedicated to the site. may attach the terms of reference, if necessary.
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